Out of Lebanon, Out of the Closet, and the Story in Between
Avi served 15 years as a military officer. He spent most of 90' and 00' in conflict areas. As a mature officer returning from the second war in Lebanon in 2006, he faced the conflict with wide-open eyes. During the war, he realized he hadn't lived his life to the fullest and decided to come out of the closet.
Avi left the army after the war and began a career as a social and political activist, promoting peace and equality. His story is of a boy, who grew up in a Mizrachi Village in Israel's rural north, trying to be the best citizen he can be, and struggling through racism, homophobia, and cynicism that shaped the man he is today.
Avi Buskila
Avi is a Social Activist and Entrepreneur. He is a well-known public figure, currently developing a social initiative offering mentorships to promising leaders from Israel's rural areas. Also in development is a program to make fitness and wellbeing more approachable for lower income populations and mid-age people.
Avi was the CEO of several marketing agencies and was the General Director of 'Peace Now' promoting a viable political solution between Israel and Palestinians.